@inproceedings{oai:iuj.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000849, author = {花城, 可武 and Hanashiro, Yoshitake}, book = {Proceedings of the conference on second language research in Japan}, month = {Mar}, note = {日本語が比較的上達しても、文法や語彙の間違いは自然なコミュニケーションでは起こりうることである。では、日本語学習者は自分の間違いにどれくらい気がつき、どういう項目に対して訂正することができるのだろうか。本論では、英語母語話者6名(中級4名、準上級2名)を被験者にインタビューを行い、発話が文字化されたものを見て、どれくらい自分の間違いに気がつき正しく訂正できるか、日本語学習者自身の気づきを通して自己訂正能力を取り扱った。その結果以下のことが分かった。(1)多くの間違いに気づくことと、正しく訂正できることとは関係がなかった。(2)間違いだと思って訂正した箇所のうち正しく訂正できたのは被験者全体で62.6%だった。(3)被験者が間違いだと思って訂正した項目は複合(項目の2つ以上の組み合わせ)、動詞、助詞、名詞の順で割合が高かった。(4)被験者が正しく訂正できた項目のうち割合が高かったものは名詞、動詞、助詞、複合の順序になり、また、正しく訂正できなかった項目のうち割合が高かったのは動詞、助詞、複合、名詞という順序になった。, The purpose of this presentation is to show the way in which students notice their own vocabulary and grammatical mistakes. The researcher recorded the conversations every 2 weeks for over a 9 month period (12 times per one subject; 72 in total). with 6 native speakers of English who are studying Japanese at the intermediate and the pre-advanced level at Nanzan University. In order to investigate the development, the researcher asked the subjects to check their own written discourse and correct their mistakes. Then, the corrections were divided into four categories; (A) the subjects changed correct forms in a different, but still correct, way (〇→〇), (B) they mistakenly changed the right forms into incorrect forms (〇→×), (C) they could correct the mistakes (×→〇), (D) they could not correct the mistakes (×→×). The main results are: (1) there was no relationship between the amount of mistakes that the subjects noticed and the amount of mistakes that tyey could correct: (2) even though there were still many mistakes that the subjects did not notice, of the mistaken noticed, 62.6% were corrected; (3) the order of the items (nouns, verbs, adjectives, particles, adverbs, conjunctions, exclamations, sentences, and combinations of nouns, verbs, etc.) that the subjects noticed as mistakes was: combinations, verbs, particles and nouns; (4) the order of successful corrections (C) was: first, combinations, and second verbs, third, particles, and fourth, nouns. On the other hand, the mistakes that the subjects noticed but did not correct (D), were verbs, particles, combinations, and nouns, in that order.}, title = {間違いに対する日本語学習者の自己判断 : 文字化された会話文を中心に}, year = {1998}, yomi = {ハナシロ, ヨシタケ} }